Setting up SnapShooter on your GridPane Server

Originally published at: Setting up SnapShooter on your GridPane Server - Managing WP - All about Managing WordPress

Content Error or Suggest an EditNotice a grammatical error or technical inaccuracy? Let us know; we will give you credit! Draft WarningYou’ve reached a draft :man_shrugging: and unfortunately, it’s a work in progress. Question: What are the recommended steps for setting up SnapShooter with Gridpane This is a Discord question. You can join our Discord…

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Gerrit Jessen
4 months ago
Hi Jordan,
i was trying to come to the discord Server.
But the Link is not working.

I will come back to your affiliate link the next time to go for snapshooter.

4 months ago
Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed the Discord link and went through and search and replaced it through out the site.

This is a draft and should have more steps, but I’m thinking I’ll just do a Youtube video.

I’m working on a better offer for folks using Snapshooter, when you’re ready to sign up let me know and I’ll see if I can get you a deal :slight_smile:

Gerrit Jessen
4 months ago
Hey Jordan - from my site (germany) it says that the invitationlink to discord is not longer valid.

Gerrit Jessen
4 months ago
That’s great - at the moment I am working on another area of the webpage. Doing Backup with backblaze. But need Server backup in full.
So I will come back to you.