Show All Short Codes Available

// Create an options page to display the list of shortcodes in WordPress
function diwp_display_shortcodes_admin_page() {
  add_options_page('All Active Shortcodes', 'Active Shortcodes', 'manage_options', 'active-shortcodes', 'diwp_display_list_of_shortcodes');
add_action('admin_menu', 'diwp_display_shortcodes_admin_page'); 
// function to display the list of active shortcodes in WordPress
function diwp_display_list_of_shortcodes(){
    global $shortcode_tags;
    $shortcodes = $shortcode_tags;
    // sort the shortcodes with alphabetical order
    echo "<h2>List of All Active Shortcodes in Your Website.</h2>";
    echo "<ol>";
    foreach ($shortcodes as $shortcode => $value) {
        echo '<li>['.$shortcode.']</li>';
    echo "</ol>";